NO, admit it, Like Hater Pocohauntus Warren, you only have 1/1024ths brain capacity, but it is of color, like the shit stuck in your ears from having your head up you ass for too long. What an intellect, to pass judgement without ever having listened- oops that's the open mind Democrat way. SO you are well educated? A kindergarten participation certificate isn't worth much. You are not educated, you are a narrow minded, ignorant hater, incapable of rational thought and critical analysis, close minded hater, bigoted against the possibility that problems might just get solved using a different approach than the decades of failed Democrat solutions. Why is Trump the one who changed the trajectory on minority and women unemployment since ideologically superior Democrats have been telling us about the problem for 5 decades? Because he does things. People who can't do, talk, and vote democrat. Democrats have never wanted solutions. You must be proud standing on your democrat accomplishments. Under the wunderkind Obama black unemployment and poverty reached the highest levels in history. What a legacy of caring. I think that proves you are a hater racist.