I know that is one of the talking points molded into some kind of weapon against sanders,and it does land in some circles,but in my opinion is pretty flaccid.
example:I am highly critical of trump.
does this mean I am anti-trump and want him to fail?
or am anti-American?
of course not,it is dumb to even suggest that,but to some that is EXACTLY what that means.
it is a play on peoples prejudices.
so people who dislike or disagree with Bernie will see his wealth (over 50 years) as somehow being this huge hypocrisy.
we see this tactic used against climate change people.
that somehow if they cared so much about the planet they would be walking to their speaking engagements.
if you pay attention to bernies points.he isn't decrying wealth.
he is pointing to how much of that wealth was illegitimately gained by some using their wealth to game the system to gain more wealth.
I mean,even in our own history we can see how coporations and the uber-wealthy paid a marginal (not effective) tax rate of 90%.this was before the time of neo-liberalism,and I don't see how sanders can actually implement anything like that considering how much power corporations and the uber-wealthy wield,and..should be noted...they are global.
but there is a reason why his message resonates with so many americans,and really pisses the ruling class off.which is another facet that sanders has revealed in American political life:
but the "Bernie is a millionaire and he is railing against the wealthy? what a hypocrite"
is a fabricated canard.
makes no sense under further examination.
my .02 of course.