Yeah, aaaaaaaand?
Shoulda seen how many times the book of Greek mythology in my Catholic school library was checked out by little ol' me back in the day. My Catholic studies weren't disrupted, the school didn't collapse, and society as a whole didn't suffer irreparable damage. In fact, aren't the ancient Greeks, their beliefs, their views... what birthed Europe as its own identity?
If it wasn't for Christianity in Europe, not only would you not be typing this on a cellular phone unit in America, your name (for the sake of this scenario imagining that you would even exist) would be Ali Khan - an Islamic Mongol, or at least, rather Slavic looking with further infusing of Eastern Asiatic eyelids.
The Catholic Church is the ONLY reason Europe wasn't totally overun by Moslems and Mongols. PERIOD.
If you think that ain't a bad thing, go to any Islamic and/or Asian country and see how long you can carry on this dialogue - as if you could even begin it. And I don't mean as a back alley gutter Thai trann❎ scuse, transvesti❎, scuse, tran❎, scuse, transg-g-g-endurred LGBTQRSTUVWX-XX/XYzzzzzzzzzwhothafhuckcaresabouthtispedanticbullshit hooker junked up on heroin or homeless painted up Hindu eunochs begging for rupees by the Ganges (no WAY FABULOUS! pros on the runway who hang up their wigs when they go home to their straight lives for them lot, them is THE REAL DEAL, hard core, 24/7 till death homos - yeah, that word goes way back too, since we're jostling over which word had dibs on first).
Sorry, but the argument that professional freakazoids brainwashing little kids is ok because you think the religions of said kids are bad yet they are taught it by the Church they attend doesn't hold a wad of spit in a busted up cobweb in the back of ye olde proverbial closet.
Acceptance of a fringe minority is one thing, disrespecting and pissing off the majority has a bad habit of working out EXACTLY as intended.
AKA 2016 might prove to not have been a fluke.