It's really ALL about higher and more taxes.. It's NOT at all primarily about the 'climate' -- that's just part of the ruse used by the politicians to get the money... Notice how very little talk there is about what actually will be DONE, and the vast majority of the blather is about getting the money... Besides, the climate will STILL change -- as it always has -- regardless of 'what is done'.... Moreover, the money will end up being spent on other things, or largely disappear into an abyss -- as HAS already happened before (for instance, in 2009, there was the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, with about a trillion dollars supposedly going to 'infrastructure'... nearly nothing was ever done, but the money is gone).
** Most of those walking around dropping the terms 'climate change' or 'global warming', fail to even understand the basics, such as the Earth is already currently IN an ice age -- specifically, an interglacial period within that ice age. Glacial periods alternate with interglacials, within an ice age (an ice age is defined as a long period of reduction in temperature, and the presence of polar ice sheets and alpine glaciers). IF humans disappeared today (or maybe even not), the next glacial period (or, erroneously, 'ice age', to the average person) would begin in about 50,000 years. That would be the NORMAL non-human course of events. Can humans significantly accelerate or slow that? Maybe not.