My business is certainly booming, and that's because my customers businesses are booming, and they can't be booming unless their customers businesses are booming, and then we get to their customers - who wouldn't be able to afford to use this particular high-end service unless their businesses were doing well...
My tech company is 4 business layers away from consumers, and things are fantastic! This year is shaping up to be better than 2018, which was better than 2017. Would you believe that my customers are projecting greater than 10% growth in 2020?!?!
Do you see how my perspective might be skewed toward optimism?
The reason there are so many bailouts is because bad business practice has been rewarded with a government security blanket. I'm not too-big-to-fail, so I'd never get such protection. I think it's about time the too-big-to-fail companies become too-fail-to-bail, and let them be replaced by others who can do the job right.