It's not a matter of whether or not I believe it. I'm naturally skeptical, so I don't believe anything someone presents to me as proof, without checking it out. Even before looking at those, I would question the methodology used to determine their results. Does even one of the articles you've referenced talk about the innovation resulting from the US health care system? Probably not.
I certainly hope you don't believe something someone presents to you as proof of a position, just because you tend to agree with the concept of the position, or because you generally agree with the person telling you the information. Please tell me you're smarter than that!!!
Plus, I think you missed a major point I was trying to make, which is it wouldn't be so easy to implement health care for all, or a socialist-style health care system in this country, as other smaller, or less free countries have done. Are you just blindly avoiding the issue of cost? Even Bernie and Liz have admitted their plans would cost trillions upon trillions of $$.
Let's take Obama-care as an example of the type of health care you propose. The last time I checked was right around the time president Obama left office. At that time, my health care costs had gone up 91% since the implementation of Obama-care. But wait, I was told my health care costs would go down, wasn't I? So what happened? I certainly don't mind paying a little more, so those without access to health care, or can't afford it, are able to get it. I'm not your main opposition here, even though I disagree with what I perceive to be your specific plan.
Please consider that if Obama-care couldn't deliver on the promise of lower health care costs, how could it when implemented on a grander scale? Be real, it could bankrupt us, and it definitely would wipe out entire industries (such as our current health care) and likely send our economy into chaos. If I'm not mistaken, that's what people said would happen when Trump was elected, so we shouldn't vote for him, right? So it must be a good reason to not want the type of health care system you're suggesting we adopt.
Why not focus on a solution that helps those without health care? Isn't that number when compared to those with health care, small enough that a sensible solution wouldn't cost anywhere near what socialized medicine for all would cost?
Plus I hate to break it to you (note the sarcasm...) but most people just don't want your style of health care.