Haha you know, I had some sympathy for her before I saw that clip. I look to dumbass kids like her for hope? I think not. Self righteous little meglomaniac. She got kids worldwide to skip school, admirable.
She was scowling, SydneyB, because she has Asperger's Syndrome where you say or do inappropriate things at the strong times... sorta like libtards in the political stream on ImgFlip. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asperger_syndrome
I even don’t even give a flying f**k about kids going to school, just because of how bad school is. Getting kids to drop out and go vegan is actually not the worst thing to promote.
She'll become the Swedish PM and the whole country, besides the majority Muslim population, will simultaneously slash their wrists and die to protest global war... uhh, climate change.
She's gonna end up with a full ride to Oxford or Harvard or some ofhter leftist super-elite school, and from there she'll be fast tracked to politics and/or TV commentatorship