She wasn't /overtly/ talking about black children, but any "liberal" would see the obvious /covert/ message about the "brown kids".
The hot sauce thing is because while speaking to a crowd of black people, she made sure to mention she "always carried a bottle of hot sauce in her bag". Something I haven't heard of her mentioning when speaking to a crowd of white people. At worst it's playing on a stereotype, at best it's pandering.
And let's not forget her ties to Robert Byrd, an /old/ family friend, founder and grand cyclops of a chapter of the KKK, and a man who, even after he "changed his mind" and became liberal, filibustered /against/ the civil rights act being passed.
This may sound bad, (because it actually is bad), but I'm pretty sure that at the time at least, having black people move into an area almost invariably lowered property values. While racism is largely to blame for something like that, that doesn't automatically mean Trump himself is inherently racist. He's a businessman, he follows the profits.
That doesn't excuse what he did in that housing issue, but it's a false flag the left use to portray him as purely a racist, instead of as a soulless, money-hungry profiteer.