Who is "you guys," you massive moron?
The fact that you're still jizzing over BOTH Clinton chumps even after both bungholes have finally gotten the hint and gone away speaks only of yourself and your delightfully briny tears.
Hillary attacked wha?
Hillary ignored States and demographics she took for granted. She, despite your fapping, is kind of rather unlikable, despite being married to that lump of hick shit known as Billy Bob. She still got 3 million more votes than their friend, the bunghole known as Trump. He got as many votes as Romney did. Do you require Google Calculate to figure that one out? Hillary lost to Hillary, thanks to the corrupt machinozatioons of your DNC buddies.
Oh, and like I've been saying since last year, we are headed for one MEGA (see what I did there?) recession by next year. Anyone sitting in the WH is going to be burning for that baby for the next 4 years. So replacing Trump might not be optimal next year, because then Gary Busey or Eric 'Busey Jr' or some other ReDumblican will win it 2024.
Besides, as 2020 can attest, the majority of Americans are an exceedingly moronic lot. They'll vote on the state of the economy, not how much Trumpie can outdo himself in the stupid dept. So don't soil your nappies too much just yet.