Respond? To what, you commented on something I said somewhere? Give me the link, I'll get on it.
Your projection is delightful, as your "Hi stalker!" running from me was a thing for how many months? A mere 2? Or was it 3? Then you had to depart to lick your wounds.
YOUR words are YOUR words, do you require another copypaste of them?
Guy, the U-N-I-T-E-D (you might want to look that word up) States (while your at it, that one too) America (and that one) is, by definition, design, and intent, very much a collective. Federation of 50 nations have a tendency to be that. No one within it's borders has lived independently of it since the last Native American was shoved in to his designated Reservation. For the greater good, natch.
EGADS! Are you feeling ok? You didn't end your comment with your usual "You leftist"