You haven't identified my problem. Trust me, I've tons of problems and weaknesses, and I've never been afraid to admit them, and you named none of them. In stead you keep on trying to show "how wrong I am", and that confirms the problem. Stop pointing at me! Stop pointing at anybody else.
And as long as you believe in "good" and "evil" you cannot identify my problem, nor even your own, for that matter, so it's only natural you go all out at me, because I am confronting you with that.
And now you want to accept that I am doing "evil things"? Who do you think you are? God? Only if God is what you truly are, you could be able to define "good" and "evil", not a single mortal being can do that, since "evil" is a matter of opinion.
Even in the Holocaust, you mention. There are people out there, who see the Holocaust as an act of heroism, as the eradication of evil. Of course I don't agree with them, and neither do you, and I hope the majority disagrees with them, as the entire event revolts me, but still, if I call the Holocaust an "act of evil", all I'd be doing is voicing an opinion, and not a fact. That also brings us to the term "hero".... As subjective as the term "evil". Watched to much movies, where "good prevailed over evil"? Or read too many fairy tales, were "good" is rewarded and "evil" is always punished? Or too many children stories, where people are being evil for evil's sake? Yeah, I like to watch those movies and read those stories too. I got a collection of Disney movies right here, and they are great to me for entertainment or when I need to set my brain to rest a little (at least for me), but this is reality! And in reality, there is no good or evil. Only people who try to live in line with their own sense of what they can and can't do.
And when it comes to good and evil, I like something said by Blaise Pascal which roughly means: "He who tries to play an angel, will ultimately play the devil". And I think (although that's an opinion, not a fact), that Pascal was right on that one.
And why are you responding to me? Because deep down you know I've though this through better than you want to accept, and you're desperately trying to prove me wrong, in order to feel great (another subjective term, btw). You feel insulted, simply because you refuse to face the only fact there is about "evil", and that's that "evil" holds neither fact nor formula nor definition, and that what is "evil" and what is not, is only in they who judge. Nothing more