Well, thats not my reasoning. The Polish government has recently passed a constitutional 'Reform' that allowed them to retire Judges early. Very early. They had probably planned to force the judges who opposed them to retire early and replace them with Party Loyalists. Thankfully the European Commission has launched a probe into the Matter and the European Court of Justice ruled that the law needs to be immediately suspended.
Yes - and rightly so.
What you call 'Right wing' and 'dictators' is a caring government trying to protect the Polish people and their cultural heritage from the Bruxelles Dictatorship and insane unitary politics.
Okay then. If you want ignore everything I say, why do you even bother talking with me and pretending to hold a Dialog when in Reality your just ignoring everything?
Mother suffering from schizophrenia - that's what I've read.
I don't know the details - children were separated for a year - maybe the father nourished hope that the mother would recover.
Russians use to have strong and viable family ties. If a parent/mother were absent grandparents or other family members would take care of children. Actually the father and his kids were heading to Russia but were arrested in Poland.
The concept of family (семья) has highest significance to most Russians - not comparable to western liberal individual hedonistic lifestile.
Whenever you get to know a Russian and start a conversation with them:
above all they like to share not what's your job or education or what you make for a living. They would want to address family and children - theirs and yours.
I hope they remain together & reunite with the mother. Family values have definitely eroded to a degree in America & other western countries, but many, many people still feel the same as you described the people in Russia, and more people every day are recognizing that there is a tendency in pop culture & media to demean conservative values.
Cheer up. A Polish court ruled that the Swedish social service had violated an EU convention that forbids the placement of children in foreign cultural environments. The court also noted that Lisov's paternity rights had not been revoked, which is why the children could stay with their father.
Yes, it's turned out well, thanks to based Poland. But those kids were separated for a year, I believe. As far as I'm concerned, Sweden deserves their grenade attacks and no go zones and probable incoming Sharia laws. Cucks.
Why bother with the citizenship, it takes time. Cross in over the border from the south into California and you'll be voting democrat with everybody else. It's your right, there are no illegal humans.
Sorry, my dude, most of the time I agree with you and still like what you say even when I don't, but this time I felt some additional info was warranted.