The right has been trying to help all along, but the left always shuts down proposals. The left simply refuses to understand that Healthcare is comprised of two industries, healthcare services (doctors, hospitals) and managed healthcare (insurance companies). The right wants to leave the first alone (because we have the best healthcare services in the world) and reform the later, the left wants to reform the first for the benefit of the later. The proof of that statement, is that the right wanted to fix the system through tort reform (which would bring down costs for healthcare providers) and wanted increased competition by removing interstate restrictions. The left however wanted Obamacare, which only put more restrictions on healthcare services, but forced every citizen to buy insurance from private companies, fined those that couldn't afford it, and never put any controls on those private companies about raising rates. This was created to fail … and now when even the biggest Obamacare supporters are having to admit what a total failure it turned out to be, they STILL think their ideas are better.