I didn't say higher education was any guarantee of intelligence-i said that as people become more educated their political leanings often go left.
Once you become exposed to the larger world you are SUPPOSED to grow!
Liberals ARE tolerant-you won't find liberals wigging out because black or Mexican families moved next door. Nor will you find us being Good Germans by squealing on some hardworking Mexican doing a job no MAGA hat wearer wants- because we suspect he or she might lack a green card.
We see where the true threats lie-& no,it's not a sad crew of desperate refugees. Yes,they're a challenge.
But they are NOT a "national emergency! ".
I'd like to point out that the hate crazed men who took the towers down were allowed in under LEGAL immigration, much like TRUMP has bought in thousands of employees under Work VISA-he LOVES immigrant labor, the Scrooge!
He can exploit them with ease,the ultimate turn on for a bully.
Have you forgotten how many attacks we've had from home grown nutjobs?
Timothy McVeigh? The Kansas bombings? The clinic attacks? Exactly how many mass shootings ,bombings and arsons can you attribute to those pesky liberals?
You know on which side of the violence scale is heaviest.
Before you label all of us as hate filled,understand that many of us detest censorship,and believe that silencing speech sets a very dangerous precedent..
Incidentally, Trumps censorship of the press,& CDC,& destruction of our EPA is far scarier than a few upset college kids who don't want a right wing speaker to lecture at college!
Many of us thought it absurd not to let the researcher who wrote 'The Bell Curve' speak. I don't like censorship-and your buddy Trump censors people.
I have NEVER in my entire LIFE witnessed ANY business owner refuse service to a police officer!
Most are delighted to have a cop in their coffee shop,deli,or restaurant, because it's a great crime deterrent. They comp cops as a way of thanking them for their service. Its a small courtesy for the risks they take on the job.
As for MAGA hat wearers, I would imagine that those incidents have more to do with the hostile personalities of the hat wearer than than the hat.
I've never said a word to any MAGA hat wearer I saw-why would I? This is supposed to still be America, & I don't dictate their choice of head gear!
As hard as it may be for you to comprehend, I do not hate people for being Republican. I pity them,for Trump has caused dissension within the party.