Wake up.
ALL politicians are cons. They will tell you one thing, then do something else.
They all want your money. They all want power. If you think having an R behind their name or a D behind their name makes them okay, you've been duped.
Every law, every Executive Action, every edict, every resolution is about power and/or money. Every. Single. One. Regardless of party. Regardless of the public label. Regardless of the media's label.
There's only one label: CON ... that applies to Trump, Obama, Bernie, anyone named Clinton, Alexandr Occasional Cortex, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, anyone appointed to political office, regardless of how much "integrity" they appear to have or claim to have.
All this "Trump is the devil," "Trump is Hitler," Trump is controlled by Putin (or some other detestable world leader)" is a laughable joke. The same things were said about Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush 41, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Ike, Truman, FDR, even Lincoln.
Truth being told, if you're not working in the White House with the man, the only thing you know about ANY president is what you're told and which media outlet you choose to believe based on your cognitive bias.