A bunch of schoolkids 15-16 or so, attended a pro life rally in MAGA gear (Hats shirts). They were waiting for the bus and were accosted verbally by a group of black Israelites, see below for the slurs the kids underwent. So a group of Native American prostesters went to 'calm the situation' and marched up to the boys, picking one in particular to drum in his face. Others yelled stuff like 'go back to Europe, this isn't your country." The kid choose to smile and smirk, due to the uncomfortableness of the situation and the others eventually decided to sing their school chant, as i believed they also did before the natives intervined.
Media outlets took a few minutes of video from two hours that showed all that, ignored the black Israelite and native abuse and misrepresented the situation as to make the boys appear as racist MAGA bigots. Doxxing and hatred commenced as seen in this thread. The drummer went on CNN and lied saying he was a Vietnam vet, that the kids surrounded him, they shouted build the wall and racist slurs and that he felt threatened. See here
imgflip.com/i/2ru1lv and here:
5 min vid on it from PJW here: https://youtu.be/IbtiVSSit1M
Hope that helps. Thanks for the question and contribution!