If you're gay, be as gay as you want. It doesn't affect me in the least. If you aren't gay, do that too. Again, how you live your life is none of my concern. I respect your right to live your life as you see fit as long as you aren't hurting other people.
If you wake up one day and decide that you are a tree, great. Be the best tree that you can be. If you feel that you are a '72 Pinto trapped in a human body, great. If you feel that you're really Mister Ed, fantastic. Do your thing. I will accept you for who you are but do me a favor and don't demonize me because I don't understand it. Also, please don't label me as a nazi, homophobe, or some other buzzword because I refuse to ignore facts about human evolution and basic biology to embrace your definition of who you are. Do your thing but don't expect me to celebrate it as biological fact.
Do you, but please give others the same courtesy. Drop the whole "toxic masculinity" narrative and just respect other people for who they are and let them live their life.