I'm not lying, you're just not reading. The journals speak for themselves, so you can take it up with the geneticists that have been working on this for decades. The migrations of people are being traced by the genetic markers they leave behind, so when ancient bones are dug up in what is known as Beringia having European DNA, which coincidentally matches bones dug up in Alaska and North America, the results speak for themselves.
All people can trace their lineage back to three major blood lines, Negroid, Mongoloid, or Caucasoid. These three also have a common line, but we can't go beyond them as of now. All three of them have traceable migration paths that are verified by the bones we've found over the globe. Caucasoid can be found highly concentrated in Europe and Eurasia, as one might expect. What they didn't expect was that it has markers found in almost every civilization between Europe to North America. There's a strong concentration in Northern India, where the Aryans settled. You don't need a geneticist to figure that out, Northern Indians are light skinned compared to the darker southern Indians.
And I suspect maybe you're misreading what I mean by the Aryans. I'm not referring to Hitler's master race, if that's what you imply, but to a legitimate people group who carried the Hindu Vedas with them from Europe, through the Mediterranean and eventually to India itself. Hinduism has its roots in Europe and was established as a means to control the darker skinned Indians. That's not disputed. The timeframe of the Aryans; however, is up for debate, because they carried the written Hindu Vedas with them, a fact that dates their migration later in the timeline. It has been shown that their ancestors may have migrated into Europe from Beringia, then at a later date made another migration that landed them in India and beyond.
As far as the documentation of the Aryan trek...they left genetic markers everywhere they went. They also left ideas, which is where my field of study comes in, but that's a whole book so I'll leave it alone. If you can't read the scientific journals out there, then feel fine in your beliefs. I know I'm not lying, can't even see the need for it really. It's not like I'm trying to make a convert out of you or anything remotely similar. History is what it is and we're learning more all the time. You're objections aren't against me anyway. You're unsubstantiated objections are the markers of a deeper problem.