Waiiit a minute, Right after Crooked Hillary lost you liberals blamed Men,Women,Misogyny,Sexism,Homophobia,Racism,White supremacy,James Comey,The F.B.I,Netflix,WikiLeaks,Bernie Sanders,Obama,The electoral college,The polls,Twitter,Sun spots,The McRib,Weight watchers, and Stairs.
5 minutes ago you said ut was Russia's fault.
You're right, Democracy requires a bit more than sitting on your ass passively consuming the most vile propaganda you can get your hands on. But that hasn't stopped you from stuffing your face with extra helpings of lies and false propaganda.
For the 3rd time, We aren't beating our chests over Trump beating Crooked Hillary, We're reminding you Trump beat Crooked Hillary, Because so many of you liberals (Hillary quote) "Refuse to accept the outcome of the election"
And it's hilarious watching you meltdown over & over & over.