But it DOES matter, at least in terms of the meme, of which YOU are the OP.
You're talking technology, not culture. AMERICAN tech, not a race exclusive one.
New technologies have a tendency of arising from the mixing or even clashing of people of different cultures. Different ideas mix and sire innovation, or did you think America has accomplished what it has because um, uh, ah, cuz Washington looked stunning braving the Potomac? Try comparing NYC, LA, SF to Porksnout Iowa, Almostawake Alabama, and Burnt Scrotum New Mexico (bonus points for those who know that one) and the rest of the other gonna-do-something-one-day-never States. And that is for both tech and cultural development. Conversely, isolate a homgeneous population and you get a continent of an isle chock full of animals extinct elswhere called Australia.
For funsies, DO look up who invented the traffic light, the internet, refrigerated trucks & shipping, artificial blood plasma, heart transplant, touch tone phone, spark plugs, and the carbon filaments in the light bulb, etc, of which do nothing idiots think they can take credit for because they play the white supremacist race card.
Also, bear in mind there is a difference between borrowing apsects of a culture without understanding the meaning or proper context for it and it being imposed upon people in an attempt to assimilate or at least force them to fall in line with a majority culture. The meme above with the hair is a classic example.
Your point would have been better served if this kept to the theme of culture.
Music is a good example. Rock being said to be born out of blues and is thus African, when they both resemble Country and other Folk stylings more than they do any form from Africa or the African diapora (other than Ska and Reggae from Jamaica which are themselves rooted in rock to begin with). Or the Afro-centric snobbery that Jazz is the only American born music when the most popular music styles throughout the world are American and Jazz is but a dying small segment of that.
As it stands, your premise that all inventions are made only by 'whites' is totally bogus and jaw droppingly racist.
If handled another way, you could have made a valid point,,,