I saw them three times in person and many more times on YouTube. I think I own all but one studio album. Could be a lifetime favorite - probably is. It was such a treat to remember the songs when composing my previous response.
That's a 10-4 on Neil Peart. One up from Stewart Copeland. I'm glad he's drumming again after a break when he lost both his wife and daughter in one year.
Someone had announced his retirement (and the band, obviously) a few years ago, but Geddy said it was a false rumor.
Btw, 'Geddy' is the way his foreign grandmother pronounced 'Garry'. He was born 'Gary'.
Alex's last name is a literal translation of his own, foreign last name into English. 'Son of Life' or something similar. Been way to long to remember which order the two words were in originally. He made the news around 10 years ago when a cop showed up to his son's birthday party and broke his (Alex's) nose.
A while ago, I used to play guitar in an 'all' PINK FLOYD band. We only played Pink Floyd and Rush! So yes, I know a little about the Canadian Power Trio. After all, 2112 is not that different from Star Trek, in a musical way. The Elder Race returns from space exploration and re-assumes control of all planets in the Solar Federation after the Priests of the Temples of Syrinx repress all creativity. When I heard that part live I f#cking lost it.
And when he finds the guitar (and somehow learns to tune it). "Sounds that build high like a mountain, and notes fat fall gently like rain" - it reminds me of Planet of the Apes, when they find the cave with human artifacts.Then he kills himself in 'Soliloquy'. Powerful imagery, with music to match.
But that kind of thing started on Caress of Steel, with the Necromancer and Bytor (and the Snow Dog).
On Xanadu, they did their famous 'double neck duet' live. Geddy would switch necks to play guitar and back up Alex during leads. They both played Moog bass pedals to fill in strings and bass lines. In the studio, the birds in the intro were Alex's parakeets. And this was very Star Trek-like with the guy becoming a mad immortal man, waiting for the end of time to escape the Pleasure Dome.
The black hole Cygnus X-1? His ship, the Rocinante? And Olympus? 100% Trek. Cygnus X-1 was actually the first black hole discovered. The 'X' means X-Ray source in Astronomy.
Ooops. I hit the comment limit again and have to end this one 'early'. Just deleted some earlier text to allow room for this little ending. Better than cut off!