I understand that's a great feeling and you deserve to feel good about it :) People think I'm a jerk for not liking reposts. That I think I'm better than others because my stuff is original. When really I speak out against reposting because you will never get a feeling like you had when you saw something you created out on the interwebs.
It's not an easy thing to create something all your own and put it out there to be judged by everybody. I have a lot of respect for anybody brave enough to share their creative side with others, especially making something that you hope will make somebody else laugh. What better gift could you give somebody than creating a reason for them to laugh or just smile for a minute out of their day. There are so many reasons not to laugh in this world, to me people simply attempting to create something new for people to laugh at should be commended.
Even if I fail and what I create isn't as funny as I thought it was, I still focused my energy on trying to create something for the benefit of others. You can fake a lot of things in the meme world, you can repost and pretend you made it, you can get a group of friends and all upvote each other, you can even make a bunch of alt accounts and upvote yourself so it looks like people love your work. You can't fake the feeling you get when something you created is loved by people though. You can't fake being somebody that wants to do nothing more than put some laughter out in the world.
I can't expect everybody to see things the way I do. All I can do is try to use my ability as a writer to explain the way I feel like I do and hope some of it makes sense ;)