And kids with fake ids are engaging in age appropriation! And what about chameleons!?The whole debate to me is an exercise in seeing how far we can stetch things to use the system against itself. So why shouldn't the same tactics be used to counter it?
Well, gay men are stereotypically depicted as way more feminine than "typical" men. And by transphobic, I mean you are insinuating that trans women are actually just men "pretending" to be women and vice versa.
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2 replies
If they don't have a va**na, then they are. And I don't nessesarily find that top one the true purpose of the meme.
I'm referring to your self-loathing. You keep implying how trans women are just men dressing up as women, and that seems to imply that you yourself are trans and have been trying to suppress it for a long, long time.
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Not transphobic, only factual. Trans women are women, but men dressed as women are not women. It's science, not any irrational fear of a group of people.
Okay, I'm done. F**k you. You're hopeless. Have fun being a hateful piece of shit.
1 up, 7y,
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If they have a va**na, they are a woman. They aren't just dressing up at that point. You seem to imply that I'm referring to all trans women (and men for what it matters) when I say that people with p**ises that dress like women are not women.
I'm not saying that you are always going to be what you were assigned to at birth. I am saying that if your genitalia is male, you are male and if it is female, then you are female. How hard is this to understand?
Just stop, please. You're only digging yourself deeper. Just admit you're transphobic and it'll be over. And if you don't, you can tell it to these people:
0 ups, 7y
Considering that you just used 3 ad hominems in a single comment, I'd say the only hateful piece of shit is you. Have fun being ignorant and forgetting basic biology. See? I can play that game too. It's not that hard.
0 ups, 7y
That last comment was so disconnected from what I'm trying to say that it isn't even wrong.
0 ups, 7y
My take has always been that you can change your gender, but what's in your pants needs to change. It's not like I "regressed" in 2 months.
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And if you really want to call me transphobic, beg you to look at this meme:
Made eons before you were on this site, this meme, made by yours truly, defends transgenderism.
Oh yeah? And how do I know you're not just trying to save your ass? It's a bit hard to believe you could regress so quickly in just two months. And while you do seem to grasp what it means to be trans and whatnot, please do not for the love of God denigrate drag queens and crossdressers to be lesser people than they are. The Stonewall movement was led by drag queens, after all. (Sylvia Rivera is one such person.)