Oh yeah? And how do I know you're not just trying to save your ass? It's a bit hard to believe you could regress so quickly in just two months. And while you do seem to grasp what it means to be trans and whatnot, please do not for the love of God denigrate drag queens and crossdressers to be lesser people than they are. The Stonewall movement was led by drag queens, after all. (Sylvia Rivera is one such person.)
Just stop, please. You're only digging yourself deeper. Just admit you're transphobic and it'll be over. And if you don't, you can tell it to these people: https://www.reddit.com/r/ComedyCemetery/comments/886ekx/brought_to_you_by_the_philosoraptor/
I'm referring to your self-loathing. You keep implying how trans women are just men dressing up as women, and that seems to imply that you yourself are trans and have been trying to suppress it for a long, long time.