It's hard to say whether the way they do things is the best for us or not. On reddit your stuff comes out automatically, but they have more than enough mods to check everything constantly. On the photoshop contests I do you submit and the voting opens at specific times. I like that about it because you always get seen as much as anybody else. I just can't figure out why people vote like they do. I've seen pics with one piece of clipart stuck on them win so who knows lol.
This place is still home to me no matter what. Except now if I make something and it doesn't feature for 8 hours I can go post it somewhere else. If I make something that flops then I keep it in the back of my head, usually I find another way to use it or build off of it.
I'm happy because I just like to make crap, I shit it out all over the internet and hope somebody steps in it lmao.