I guess it did take some time, there are no transferrables of either of Trump's women on here so I had to cut out all the pics you see of them. Honestly though when I get going on one of these I'm so excited to see how it turns out that I don't consider the time until afterwards.
I made all 3 of the gifs I submitted today from scratch as well as 6 photoshop contest entries. I hit that zone brotha and there is nothing I can't create if I want to. I even made two gifs I didn't like when they were finished and just deleted the 20 some odd pics for each without a care.
It's a process and I look back at the first gifs I made and how hard they were with a grin on my face now. The more I make the better I get while they become easier. The only challenge is thinking up something I would like to make. When it comes to making it all there is for me is fun.