I, too, find it to be repulsive, and that is the point: sin is repulsive. God is infinite; therefore, His standard is infinitely perfect, and any deviation from it is ultimately deserving of infinite punishment. I myself am painfully aware of my own sin and the punishment it deserves, which is why I give thanks that Jesus, the only One who could bear such a weight (because He Himself is also infinite), took upon Himself the wrath that should have been mine.
As for abortion, there are many reasons it is wrong, but for the sake of this discussion I will start by focusing on one reason in particular: humanity belongs to God. In killing another human being, the killer makes the assumption that they have the authority or right to do so. This is essentially defiance, because it is an attempt to exert control over that which God has set aside for Himself.
Now, at first glance such a statement may sound like an argument for anarchy or theocracy. Let me counter-balance that statement by saying that while everything belongs to God, He has chosen to entrust humanity with certain degrees of authority under Him. As such, parents are given authority over their children, and governments over their citizens. Such authority is still under God, and thus may only be wielded within the bounds established by God. Ownership is God's, and humanity is given stewardship.