It's a matter of being 'open minded' in terms of being truly open minded vs just retroffiting truth to fit a narrow minded narrative.
The koran explicitly commands the wearing of veils, walls around houses, a disdain for infidels, killing of said infidels, oh, and imposing their beliefs/way of life upon infidels via jihad. Fact. Not opinion, not interpretation, fact.
No 'Once upon a time Solomon..." but rather a long lecture from Mohammad saying "Don't do this, nor that, not this either, but do this but only this way and don't do that either." THAT'S the appeal of it. From wayward daughters of single mothers in the UK looking for guidance to imprisoned minorities in the US seeking a route to an ordered way of life, it offers such, plain and simple, and so they convert to it.
Like the fella above expressed, their concern is about public perception rather than the results of their own actions. Watch whenever there's an incident, from the imman at the local mosque to the family down the block, this is what concerns them the most. Shame, not the suffering and loss of life in the atrocity committed. Do all engage in terrorism? Since the majority haven't done it yet, evidentally not. Do they condemn it? LISTEN to THEM. I've had to all my life, up close, in 3-D, PRIOR to 2001. We are dealing with some seriously scary shit. And there ain't a thing some poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty folks have mistaken for the US Consitution can do about it when that halestorm comes a'raining down.
To think their religion is on par with this little Easter-Sunday-praise-the-wooden-looking-plastic-cross-now-go-home-and-cheat-on-the-wife-till-the-next-one usually seen here is to be myopic and patronizing. In fact it's a far more bigoted view of them than what we like to pretend terroristic stereotyping is because it superimposes our vacuous culture on theirs, dismissing the depths of what they believe as mere confetti.
Their religion is a deeply ingrained aspect of their lives more akin to American involvement with political parties and which end of the horse shoe people are gunning for, only way more so.
Multi culturalism is about multi culturalism, not presuming all they need is a hug and enough Happy Meals to get too fat and lazy to do anything worse than fart like the rest of us wonderfully vacuus apathetic gluttons while we count on a God we have long abandoned to come rescue us before things get TOO bad.
Once of prevention n all that.