I'll grant you - on the surface - not so much.
But the NFL (and football more generally) is a - shall we say? - 'less than progressive' ethos, organization, and millieu. RDJr was pointing this out in the 80's in Back to School, saying, "...crypto-fascist metaphor for nulear war.".
So the NFL vs MLB for the protest was, no doubt, discussed. Less games to show at(or not) - and baseball is...well, check with George Carlin about the differences between the 2.
The NFL has a good percentage of black players. They are targets - both for the cops, and the activists, who were trying to get some attention to the issue. "Jim Crow" was something we were all aware about, too. Without princpled activists like Rosa Parks, Medgar Evers and others...what would have changed?
I'm not black btw. But I know how out-of-control the police can be. Neither the Los Angeles County Sheriff, nor LAPD "chief" want to get within my reach ('cause they both have a DATE with justice coming - at a time and place of MY CHOOSING). Our last Sheriff is in prison.
Lots of eyes on those games - and the Nat'l Anthem is arguably FILLER on the TV broadxast - meaning fans won't be bent - like they would by someone running on the field or dropping a banner. Everyone was aware about segregation, too. The purpose of protest is to create a spark that becomes the wildfire of change - you and I (and the Donald) speaking anout it, means it was a HIGHLY successful protest - as these things go..
The NFL has a right wing (-ish) orientation - so the Miltary is a BIG sponsor. And Cops are often former/reserve soldiers. And let us all NEVER FORGET that since " 9/11 " - they have ALL been entered into the Cannon as SAINTS and HEROES. And the NFL has been a big part of that.
So players themselves decided to join the protest - and certainly with lots of encouragement from the rest of the OCTOBER 22ND/Stolen Lives Coalition and BLM.
When David Meggesy protested in the 1970's - He did so because they WERE REQUIRED to salute and stand at attention. He was Anti-Vietnam (and in 1973, he had plenny company) and was sick of being made to appear to be in favor - while the F-111's flew overhead.
He protested - was fired and blackballed. Next he sued and won. NOW they have a union, because of him - which is why they have the freedom to protest today. His protest against the war, was arguably ON BEHALF of those troops who were then fighting - many against their own will and beliefs, because of the draft.