Our preacher actually preached about turning the other cheek today. He said it didn't say to stop turning the other cheek. And it didn't say to walk away either. So you are supposed to stay there and get hit, and hit again, and again, and again for as long as they keep hitting.
And that is where one of my biggest short coming lies. There is a reason I refuse to call myself a "Christian". I am a sinner saved by Grace but that does not make me a Christian. To me a Christian is someone who is Christ-like. And while many may aspire to be Christ-like, few, if any lives that good.
I know this "do not overcome evil with evil" is good and all. But if anyone thinks I am going to keep letting myself get pounded by a punk then they are mistaken. And you're better off trying to freeze hell if you think I am going to do nothing while someone else gets attacked for no reason. If some people are willing to live truly non violent lives, even in the face of imminent danger, good for them. However I am willing to do violence on their behalf, so they can remain free.