Great meme bro :D
It wasn't the Russians, it wasn't misogyny, it wasn't because I thought a woman couldn't handle being the POTUS. It was because she is anti American and she couldn't have views more different than mine if she tried! Wanting to ban guns but not wanting to increase the military or increase boarder security, really?! Not to mention all the refugees she was going to allow in. And I know an old residential democrat who voted against her because she said she supported abortion right up till birth!!!
This moo cow can say a great many things except take responsibility!! She was a horrible candidate, her ideas were so contradictory I'm surprised she could keep up them. Hell her slogan was "it's her time". How selfish is that?! And "stronger together". Which only served to fuel the social monster they was trying to make Trump out to be. She lied to the father of Tyrone Woods saying that it was an anti Islamic video that caused his death. It was a planned and coordinated attack by Islamic jihads!! Why was she trying to protect those jihads by making them out to be victims provoked by a video?!?!
President Trump is not the best, but he is a far cry better than her. At least he gave me hope as an American. Which is more than this anti American liar could have ever done!