In California...the ESTEEMED LEGISLATURE - in ALL of their wisdom - has allowed cities to determine, on their own, whether it should be legal to ride bikes on the sidewalk.
So in a large complex metro area like LA with multiple smaller cities adjoining at odd angles....
You could go from one block to the next, and SUDDENLY be BREAKING THE LAW. In LA City...any sidewalk should be okay (tho' technically NOT on the Venice Boardwalk or pier, ironically - since they are BOTH exceedingly spacious and SAFE for a sidewalk bike ride - but our Councilman SUCKS.) But in Santa Monica and Culverts City the cops will use that as an excuse to pat you down for a math pipe - anytime after midnight, earlier if you fit the bill... And the TICKET keeps it All NICE and Legal.
Personally I MOVE when I'm on a bike. Street ... Sidewalk whatever it takes. Please be kind to cyclists - and use due care and caution when passing (3ft is the LEGAL MINIMUM here in Cali - 5-6 ft is human decency fact give em a Lane when you can) - as cyclists often have to make last minute moves because of glass or pavement conditions, parked cars and car doors etc..