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WeirdRalph (205244)
Joined 2015-12-08
Just an old geezer who remembers when memes were actually funny. (heavy sigh)
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Look! Up in the sky! in fun
0 ups, 3y
Well, there's a song that'll be stuck in my head for a while 🙂
When you ask your 12-year-old son to hang a Christmas wreath... in fun
1 up, 7y
This is literally the way he left it. We're thinking he probably figured that if he did a lousy enough job, we wouldn't ask him to do it again.
It's utterly disgraceful that we continue to honor these so-called "heroes of the Confederacy!" in fun
3 ups, 8y
You do realize it's a joke/pun, right? Yoda was a Jedi General in the Confederacy of Independent Systems/Separatist Alliance (many members of which later became part of the Rebel Alliance).