Noobs catch a break. Sometimes!
Seriously? Okay, a couple meh. Rest? Upvoted. Memes good and entertaining. Remember, not every joke will go over and humor is relative to the situation. Having two out of 17 not go over? That's a good ratio.
Social media? For length of time here, not bad. Check to see how many of your comments go back to your own memes. If more than half, that would be an area of improvement.
The one key is always going to be your own record of upvoting. I calculated on average, I upvote about 70 memes a day. The rest justify my page one GIF from a couple weeks ago: crap.
Advice? You may be doing it already. Try to comment positively on 10 memes a day, not just your own. If you like a meme, don't be afraid to upvote it. Most important, have fun. Hold off on asking for upvotes unless you're close to a goal. 10K, 20K, 50K, leaderboard. A lot of time, I just mention closing in on a goal in a conversation, and suddenly, UPVOTE PARTY. I'm close to my next goal, and will hit it before weeks end. I'll mention it when I get closer to the goal. How close? The last time I mentioned needing a boost, I was a few hundred away from that goal. Next thing I know, I was on the leaderboard. Yeah, that was my goal. I did it at the start of the month. Next goal: 1/2 million by May Day, in memory of my baby brother that Passed a year ago that day.
If you want something, set goals that are achievable.