Dude f-in admitted as much with your BUSH homeboy Billie.
Frankly you need to ask why people who would already give money TO HILLARY (NOT 1 BTW) would demand anything in exchange - for naming THEIR ABUSER. And frankly - if TRUMP did to (not me of course cause he Don't COP to being BI - at least publicly) someone I cared about...what he's previously admitted to, and NOW BEEN ACCUSED of....well I'd hold my NOSE and give her money too. Just so that vile tub of 1% lard wouldn't be re-traumatizing all his MANY victims everytime the news comes on - for the NEXT 4 YEARS. I mean NOBODY has to watch the SCHLOCK that features him @ present - so once he LOSES...well let's hope the PRODUCERS of his garbage TV show decide to - go a DIFFERENT DIRECTION (it can ONLY be UP). Was he FIRED - or put on hiatus for the duration of his failed run for office? Or INFAMY -whichever comes first, right?