1) Submitting memes, comments, meme comments give you points.
2) Having other users comment and upvote your memes give you points.
3) Views, frequency of views, total upvotes and comments boosts your memes to the top hot pages.
4) Most templates get featured 1-2 hours after being submitted. User templates generally get featured 6-15 hours after submission.
5) The more comments you post, the quicker you gain points. If you comment on front page memes, you'll get points even faster.
6) The higher traffic times (when more users seem to be on) is around 12 noon TEXAS time, to around 10pm TEXAS time. But late mornings to early afternoon seems to be the highest traffic.
7) Pretty much only DashHopes can out-score Raydog in a single week for a long period of time.
8) If you have any trigger words in your memes, they will be automatically labeled "NSFW" and won't been seen much at all.
9) Imgflip takes a huge chunk out of your time, so unless you don't care about points and don't get on much, be prepared to be absorbed here.
10) Trolling will get you nowhere.