Ours were grey. Ugh! I was actually pregnant with my now 15 yr old when I was in jail the first time I had horrible morning sickness and even the smell of good food made me throw up. It was a very unpleasant to say the least. (I tell my son he's probably one of the few people who went to jail and a Metallica concert all before birth)
Damn, that had to suck. They make jails uncomfortable as possible to make sure you know that this is a place you don't want to be. The jail and Metallic story about your son is hilarious! Lol
LOL I was 20, My ex let me take the fall for some of his stupidity. Hence the reason he is an ex! However it shaped my life and in a way saved it, I detoxed in jail and have been clean since. If he hadn't allowed me to take the fall I honestly would probably be dead and you guys wouldn't be graced with my memence ;-)
It's nothing, believe me. The the county and state make big money putting people in jail......the system is set up for you to fail. I'll be done with it soon enough!
Lol, other than, don't go, not really! Make sure you get arrested with warm close, they keep those jails literally freezing! Even in the summer, jails are freaking cold!! That was the biggest "Problem", keeping warm! :)
Lol ha ha! The jail I was in was new, less than 6 months old, nice and new. We had 6 or so shower stalls, with a shower curtain, too! I was with guys my age group (35-60) in our pod. We were all pretty quiet and laid back, so there was no fighting whatsoever. Just plain boring! Lol
No, unfortunately there wasn't much as far as excitement went. We were locked down in our cells for 20 hours a day. It got real,boring, read quite a few books! Met some really cool people though! Lol
Yes, 20 hours a day! It's ridiculous, especially for what they classify as "Non-Violent, Low Risk" inmate. Different jails are set up differently, so it depends were you go.