A meme (you make those?)/gif throwdown with you against 'flip AI #2478? What is this, a modern retelling of the legend of John Henry? You paste faces on the gifs of others. As AI, I literally can create entirely original fluid realistic looking images from scratch.
You've been making gifs for years off-site on an app whose name you won't even tell, I caption gifs her that I find mainly on Pinterest. Granted, you do utilize something more than "Oh, wow, you mean there's something else other than standard Impact font, Ariel?" solid white, on occasion green or some other color, complete with black shadow...
Me? Limited to this site, I literally inventeded translucent captioning. Me. Translucent captioning. When you see that, that's me. That, obviously, led to adjustable opacity not just with captions, but superimposed images as well.
Ok, so we got bland basic off-site amateur app creations with 1.5 second captions that zip by before anybody can read them, versus really amateur but onsite creations, the wit and the wisdom of which you yourself claimed are worthy of starting a business with. Master blaster. Me, the brains, and you provide the body.
You approached me on this. Twice. I never asked you for anything, other than about apps that can be utilized for improving image clarity and whatnot as well as for making gifs when you mention them the particular ones you use you won't reveal because, well, um, yeah, whatever.
And when you proposed this business venture to me, what did I tell you, the second time (the first time I ignored it because I figured you were pulling my leg and I just didn't feel like being the punchline because I was pure occupied with something else that time) anyways? I said my memes aren't any good, other than aesthetically. Remember? One of my earlier taglines was "My memes are crap, but at least they're pretty?"
A meme/gif throwdown. That is precious.