okay, to review;
We have notes from meetings where Trump and associates planned out how to overthrow the election and remain in power.
We have testimony from people in the room confirming that plan.
We have testimony from the participants in the meeting confirming they made that plan.
We have emails and text messages between Trump and associates working out the finer details of the plan to overthrow the election.
We have recordings of phone calls as Trump & associates attempted to overthrow state votes and vote certifications.
We have recordings of Live TV where Trump & associates told MAGA supporters they had to march down to the capital building and fight like hell to take the country back.
We have recordings of the supporters doing exactly that. While chanting Hang Mike Pence.
We have text messages from secret service agents sending final goodbyes because they thought they were going to die defending Mike Pence.
We have guilty pleas from Trump associates confirming all of the notes, emails, and text messages.
We have Trump's legal defense strat which is "yes, I did that but you can't hold me accountable because I was a sitting US President."
But you're all,
"Nah, the democrats planned it all out using antifa."
with a stunning lack of any evidence to support that.