How do you think drugs of any kind are smuggled across the border?
Think about how many people are using illegal substances right now. Thnk about the sheer scale of that user base. They're being supplied in bulk.
Bulk comes through legal ports in big ass containers. It's not a couple of dudes with backpacks hopping a fence.
"Closing the border" isn't going to do shit but cost us money and waste a lot of legal products that have shelf lives. LIke all that fresh produce in your grocery store.
Fentanyl is only one of the many problems caused by open borders and unlimited illegal migration. Drugs, thugs, disease, pressure on hospitals, and schools. Terrorist, anchor babies, criminals. Freeze the borders and send all illegals back .
So then why do they push illegals carrying narcotics through the border? Why do they have tunnels? I’m not doubting that they bring it in through shipping as well, but they also bring it over inmany other ways so shutting the borders would have an impact I. Forcing it to go through the ports where you could focus detection activity. Your answer is just let it happen don’t do anything?
I am not sure what you mean by " why do they push illegals".
But the tunnels make sense. How would you get through the border without having to go through the border at all? A tunnel. And if you could buy a warehouse on both side, even better. Mexican trucks come in and out on the Mexican border. US trucks in and out on the US side? who would even look twice.
But how would closing the border stop that? It wouldn't.
And closing the border is economic disaster. REmember back in 2022 when Gov Abbot did a "border slowdown"?
Illegals carrying backpacks full of drugs cross while they use a flood of others to create diversion.
Tunnels already exist and many have been shut down. Closing the border to illegal immigration and fraudulent asylum seekers would allow the border protection people to focus on interdicting drug smuggling routes and methods of all types.
Closing the border by closing it to illegal
Immigration and false asylum seekers would only be economically disastrous to the drug cartels and Democrats.
OP: Biden isn't doing anything about Fentanyl overdoses!!
Viking: Biden IS doing something about fentanyl overdoses!!!
Biden can never win with the right.
Doesn't matter what he does. If Biden stopped all fentanyl drug overdoses tomorrow the right would just complain about all the the homeless, drifters, dropouts, and other drug addicts who are NOT dying anymore.