The Democrats milked that pandemic for everything they could. It was disgusting. Democrat controlled cities and states killed off hundreds of thousands of small businesses in hopes of creating an economic free fall that they would blame on Trump. They didn't care at all about the lives they destroyed. And they would never let up.
This is why millions are fleeing California and New York.
Trump hatred on the left was at such a level than even some Democrats who lost their businesses still voted for Biden.
The Democrats trying to use the pandemic mostly backfired on them. It was just so blindingly obvious that red states were prospering while blue states were in turmoil. It was day and night. There were a lot of Democrats who voted for Trump.
The craziest thing is that how the economy initially rebounded from Obama's dismal presidency had nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with Hillary. If Hillary hadn't lost the 2016 election the economy would have never rebounded at all. It didn't have to be Trump winning that election. I could have been Ronald McDonald winning as anything other than a Democrat that would have caused the economy to rebound.
The only Democrat president that had the slightest clue about the economy in the 20th and 21st centuries was John F Kennedy. The rest were dismal failures. They all either followed Karl Marx or John Maynard Keynes, both of whom were flat out wrong on economics. Far too many Republicans followed Keynes. The only 20th century Republicans who didn't follow Keynes or Marx were Warren G Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Ronald Reagan. As a result they all had booming economies. Harding and Coolidge gave us the "Roaring 20's". Trump just followed his own path and was wrong on somethings, like tariffs. But Trump was right about socialism. Socialism causes misery, poverty and death everywhere it has been fully implemented. It is the reason why when Democrats are in power the economy always suffers. Dems will always try to inflate some minor aspects of the economy and try to tell about what a great job they are doing while unemployment and under-employment skyrockets, inflation skyrockets and people are forced to live on government assistance just to survive. Businesses scaled back because sales were down.
This is the legacy of every Democrat controlled White House and congress. This is what is happening right now. The pandemic didn't cause it, Biden did.