I believe there is truth in all the "close encounters" people have experienced and all the ancient civilizations that say they were visited by the "gods" and in the cases of many of the ones I have read about the thing they encountered or were visited by taught a certain kind of theology. The visitors teach some of the same things that modern "channelers" teach: that the "visitors," "spirit guides," or "ascended masters" are highly evolved beings or were people who have ascended the physical plane and those listening to them can also "transcend" to the "spiritual plane," and that there is no Creator, no sin, and no need for a personal Savior.
The Bible teaches that one of satan's goals is to create a one world dictatorship with a one world military, economic, and religious system headed up by the Antichrist. I believe that he is plotting towards that end right now and one of his schemes is to use demonic forces pretending to be visitors from other planets to deceive people into believing those lies. I believe that is what the Apostle John was prophesying when he says he saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. Frogs were the only visual semblance that he had to describe what he saw.