Obama lost 1,000,000+ jobs in first 100 days. Site: https://www.benzinga.com/news/16/11/8653903/a-look-at-the-unemployment-rate-since-obama-took-office
Rates: 2009: 9.3 percent.
2010: 9.6 percent.
2011: 8.9 percent.
2012: 8.1 percent.
2013: 7.4 percent.
2014: 6.2 percent.
2015: 5.3 percent.
2016: 4.9 percent.
Trump's unemployment rates: 4.9%, 4.8%, 4.4%
Obama had lost 1,000,000+ jobs in his first 100 days.
In Trump's first day of being elected, Nov 9, the stoc market went up 500 points, the stock market increased their value to over 21000 just before office. Obama, being the egotistical brat he is, claimed he had done this, but blamed Bill Clinton for the terrible economy Obama had not helped until his second term. Obama also claimed to have ended 2 wars, while we still have troops in those countries. Not to mention Obama is the only President since Hoover not to have experienced a growth of 3% GDP. Many democrats wanted Comey fired, until he got fired. There is still no evidence of the Russia scandal, however, there is evidence Hillary sold our uranium to Russia, 20% of it. Who's siding with Russia now? They have a larger Armed Force by number and a large nuclear arsenal. How can you even claim Trump got the Russians to rig our election? Seth Rich exposed the emails. Seth Rich was murdered. The DNC claimed he was robbed. Police found his body with a gold watch and a wad of cash, even though the "criminal" apparently robbed all of his things. That was a lie by the DNC even Obama defended.