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The_Soviet-Onion_69420 (23565)
Joined 2022-12-06
nothin' better than having 20k points! Amen and thx!
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Marked Safe From in fun
0 ups, 10h
I IdEnTiFy As A cAlCuLaToR, ShArK, oGrE, liOn, MiNuTeMaN iIi IcBm, aNd A zHy
I'm curious in atheist
0 ups, 10h
I'm curious in atheist
0 ups, 10h
A lot of "contradictions" in the Bible I see. I quoted contradictions because, after all, the Bible was made by a bunch of scribes, maybe hundreds who had different worldviews and morals, and all contributed to make the Bible, but not together, since they were inspired (and maybe guided) by God. But I still see your point, and plus Genisis.