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TheSJAviation (222183)
Joined 2021-05-13
I’m online more on NationStates. Nation: Ethensia. And I post images here once every two weeks, maybe
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sorry guys, wasn't meaning to spam. just got bored in class lol. in Aviation_Stream
0 ups, 2y
Ah, its ok.
This stream (to me) is dead anyway, you can break the spam rules here i guess..?
mf needs to chill in MS_memer_group
0 ups, 2y

but still, this is "IM GONNA REPORT YOU!!!!!" scenario is worse lol
mf needs to chill in MS_memer_group
0 ups, 2y
This is worse then players in PTFS taking off on the taxiway :skull:
rip McDonald Douglas in Aviation_Stream
1 up, 2y
Why is this NSFW? It's great, lol!