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JMIrish (942)
Joined 2020-10-21
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ASD Receptive Communication in fun
0 ups, 2y
Absolutely. This doesn't speak for everyone in the ASD community, as nobody can do so. This is simply my lived experience and that of many others in the community. This image was created in conjunction with a school project with a limit to the number of words, so unfortunately I had no room to include that information outside of the report that is external to this image. I was new to imgflip when I made this, so I had no grasp on how to alter it after the fact, and I felt it wouldn't be necessary. Thanks for adding your thoughts, though! It's always great to hear new perspectives, especially considering how much we are viewed as one collective, identical group by some members of society.
Autism and Suicidality Awareness in fun
0 ups, 4y
Honestly, the best advice I can give from my personal experience is that even though like gets rough, and even downright awful at times, there are those rare little roses to stop and smell. To me, it sounds like a better way I could help is with email communication to give more advice. Here is the email associated with the account: [email protected] . Despite the fact that the "spam" part is there, I actually do check it multiple times daily. I'll trust you to not abuse the knowledge of my email address. If you would like to talk in-depth about some things, let me know by sending me an email that says who you are and what (if anything) you'd like to discuss. Please do not use this as a source to abuse, as I will not take kindly to this. Most importantly, for legal reasons, I will disclose that in no way am I a licensed or trained mental/behavioral/psychiatric health personnel, and that any advise from your medical professionals should always supercede anything I may postulate. Beyond that, please do not share any identifying characteristics of yourself, especially if you are a minor. Even though I'm not a creepy person, it is not a good habit to allow to develop regardless of context. A one-word name (whether real or imagined) will more than suffice. Please, if at any point you feel there is any possibility that you could harm yourself or someone else, immediately tell someone in your physical vicinity that you feel can responsibly handle the situation with you. I look forward to discussions we may have.
Autism and Suicidality Awareness in fun
0 ups, 4y
This is concerning. I want you to know that while life is tough, I have been where you are, hating life on a deep, passionate level. If you would like to talk to someone, tell me in a reply to this. I'll give you my contact information. Also, whenever someone says something like this, even as a joke, I'll always put the following info in the reply. This is a resource that helped me a lot in this exact manner of seeing the article. Even if it was a joke, I strongly encourage reading it, and sharing it with someone that may feel the same way. Let me know in a reply if you'd like to exchange email information, and we can get in touch. I mean it. Life is worth it, and we can overcome anything it throws at us, as long as we live it together.
Autism and Suicidality Awareness in fun
1 up, 4y
As it happens, Ricardo_klement, I do have ASD as well as ADHD. It hasn't been easy, but the love and support of my family has been the single greatest helping impact on my life, and I am now in college working towards my degree in Elementary Education at the age of 17. I promise you, as an older brother of a fellow ASD individual who is on the low-functioning end of the Asperger's side of the Spectrum, while it not easy, it is so worth it when you finally get to see the months and years of work that you have put in to building that progress culminate. My brother used to communicate through nothing other than screams, but with very hard, strenuous work, we're developing new means of communicating with him. I know that I don't know what you are going through, but even so, I have an immense respect for you both as a person, and a parent. You are one of our world's true heroes.