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AniRichard (23065)
Joined 2021-11-26
i do educational, something learn-to-be normal, Christian, Nostalgic, Childhood memes to remember as a kid.
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David Zaslav Removing Cartoons and animation on max in a nutshell in fun
0 ups, 1mo
David Zaslav: *Laughs Evily*

Unnamed WBD Concessionwomen: David! Your Popcorns are ready!

David Zaslav: Oh, right! (Runs & Leaves his scene for His Popcorn)
2019 has the worst and saddest year for TAWOG Fans in fun
0 ups, 2mo
and TAWOG is returning this year or next year (2025 or 2026)
If you've ever tasted ocean water you get it in fun
0 ups, 2mo
I Love Saltwater (Salty Water) I has been to Croatia on my summer vacation three times in row in vir island.
Warner animation in fun
0 ups, 2mo
This is David Zaslav's Fault! for turning warner bros into a Live-Action-only Movie Studio. Reminds me of Hungarian Movie Companies to me. who previously made animation since Hungary had a communist regime until 1989.
GOD has abandoned us in fun
0 ups, 5mo
We wish that those cringe ads never existed!