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"cnn sucks" Memes & GIFs

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Nothing on TV but...

Nothing on TV but... | I NEED TO CALL THE ANTENNA GUY; I'M ONLY PICKING UP CNN | image tagged in television basura,cnn,cnn sucks | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
15,654 views, 213 upvotes, 31 comments

Fake "moos"

Fake "moos" | WE DID THIS | image tagged in memes,evil cows,cnn,anti cnn month,cnn sucks,cnn vs the internet | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
20,022 views, 166 upvotes, 63 comments

Distracted Boyfriend

Distracted Boyfriend | VIEWERS; CNN; TRUTH | image tagged in memes,distracted boyfriend,cnn sucks,cnn fake news,cnn | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
10,829 views, 114 upvotes, 25 comments

Good Fellas Hilarious

Good Fellas Hilarious | HILLARY SAID SHE'S GOING TO RUN AGAIN IN 2020; CNN SAYS SHE HAS A 98% CHANCE TO WIN | image tagged in cnn fake news,cnn sucks,stupid liberals,goodfellas laughing scene,democrats | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
by anonymous
20,881 views, 94 upvotes, 33 comments

CNN = Fake News

10,713 views, 114 upvotes, 27 comments

Just as Abraham Lincoln predicted?

4,978 views, 66 upvotes, 9 comments

When the teleprompter goes offline at CNN..

32,778 views, 53 upvotes, 15 comments

Good-bye, CNN.

5,180 views, 51 upvotes, 4 comments

It's open season on CNN y'all!!!

8,612 views, 43 upvotes, 2 comments

CNN Newsroom

2,153 views, 36 upvotes, 4 comments
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