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"cars" Memes & GIFs

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No parking on grass sign: Car parking on grass

No parking on grass sign: Car parking on grass | image tagged in you dare oppose me mortal,you had one job,funny,memes,cars,meme | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
14,262 views, 506 upvotes, 26 comments

Hide the Pain Harold

Hide the Pain Harold | When one door closes, another one opens; Other than that, it's been a good car. | image tagged in memes,hide the pain harold,cars,doors | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1,329 views, 8 upvotes

Cars, Me, My Wallet

Cars, Me, My Wallet | MY WALLET; ME; CARS | image tagged in memes,distracted boyfriend,cars,wallet,money,credit card | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1,574 views, 2 upvotes

Adapt, improvise and overcome.

Adapt, improvise and overcome. | When your auto parts 
store is closed and 
you really wanted a 
spoiler, go to Home Depot. | image tagged in spoiler,home depot,cars | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
15,158 views, 527 upvotes, 55 comments


58,659 views, 624 upvotes, 105 comments

*breaks speakers with music* (#871)

2,875 views, 84 upvotes, 3 comments

Who did it better?

11,369 views, 464 upvotes, 29 comments

Can you hear the screams?

10,658 views, 179 upvotes, 16 comments

When were cars invented?

by anonymous
10,511 views, 316 upvotes, 98 comments

Not what she expected

25,345 views, 267 upvotes, 20 comments

I don't want this to happen...

5,661 views, 284 upvotes, 14 comments

Cringe memes replaced with cars day 3

5,853 views, 139 upvotes, 15 comments