You're on the button here perfectly! Playing sports takes talent and hard work to be a pro,... you and I realize that. Basically these pros get paid millions to do something they enjoy. Grunts have life and limb on the line,.. they can't walk away from a fire fight,.. like atheletes do after a game. They don't get the hot shower,... clean clothes,... steak and beer afterwards. They are tasked with putting their ass in harms way for peanuts really,.. so that athletes,.. and spectators,.. can enjoy that game! They are free to play and enjoy that game because of the sweat and blood of the soldier,... and MANY generations of them. They dont have a 9-5 job,.. weekends off,... holidays,... extra pay for overtime,.. etc. They dedicate their lives for the freedom the athelete enjoys! I have been to the VA hospital,... and I see the wheelchairs,... missing limbs,... disfigured faces,... partially deaf,.. blind ... handicapps,... that they gave to their country and its citizens. If the military paid $10M contracts,... and athletes capped their pay at $60K,... some of the athletes that make $10M,... could not cut it in the military,.. physically or mentally. This is a good meme!! Great message! You are spot on brother,.. and as a vet,.. I appreciate it!